Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Week 16 # 1

Bordia ( 1997) reviewed the ways in which communication mediated communication(CMC) groups differ from Face to Face(FTF) groups is because CMC groups generally take longer to complete task, and in the same time period CMC groups produce fewer remarks than FTF groups do (pg.297). How I view this concept is a CMC is through the internet source which small groups don’t often meet up, but rather discuss information through email or web. In doing this it makes assignments much hard and longer to do because some people may not check their email as often as others. This then can lead to confusions and other group members feeling there’s no other input because people don’t stay on top of it. On the other hand a face to face communication is small groups that often meet up in person to discuss the issues. Additionally a face to face communication makes it easier for groups because everybody can give input and shoot out ideas which can help other members of the group on their ideas. Also, being able to meet up and discuss issues makes it easier to fix the problems and make changes right then instead of having to wait for an email response which could take 2 or 3 days to get an answer. I feel that a face to face action would be considerable way to get things done, however, depending on the social norms and how a person is they may prefer to work alone and just communicate through web.

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