Monday, April 26, 2010

Week 14#3

This week topic that I saw interesting to me was the concept of brainstorming in creative problem solving. What makes this interesting to me is that during this process of coming up with ideas, we tend to find techniques and ways to incorporate our ideas to find solutions to our problems. Additionally, our ideas we come up with are “free wheeling”, meaning that we throughout ideas to get other members of the group brain following and bring out their creative mind. No one idea is greater than the others but it makes it easier for other members to get clear ideas in their head to come up with the solution to the problem too. Brainstorming is one of many ways to enhance creativity in the group process. (pg.205) For instance, while working in groups we tend to all set out plans and ideas to come to the overall goal. Yet, sometime groups get stuck on one idea, by being able to input ideas that can help the team, can make goals and objectives must easier because it’s more brains on one topic. Therefore, by having more than one brain on a topic gives the group more creative support to help them find the solution to their problem solving.


  1. Hi Casper, I agree with you that brainstorming is an important facet of group work. Most of the time, it is crucial to start off brainstorming. There is probably many ideas that people might have on the specific assignment. Not everything has to be from the book, so suggestions may be thought out. By having various different ideas from group members, it will make it easier to proceed. A lot of people may have great ideas that need to be heard by everyone. We might learn some things that we had no previous knowledge on. In having different idea, the group can develop new solutions to a particular problem. In having only one idea makes things harder for group projects. An assortment of ideas helps everyone be more involved.

  2. Hi Casper,

    I also think that brainstorming is a very good topic of discussion because it enhances creativity. In fact, I was going to pick this topic for my third blog post this week but didnt because I realized that you already wrote about it.

    Anyways, I think brainstorming is an excellent approach to problem solving because many possible solutions and ideas are brought up. The book discusses the ACB method which I think is very helpful and I am going to try and use when I am engaging in brainstorming.

    You are right - "by having various different ideas from group members, it will make it easier to proceed" when trying to solve a problem. Your post was very informative and I agree with you.

    Enjoy the rest of the semester!

  3. Brainstorming is such a great thing. It helps us see what we don't necessarily see, with the help of others. We can't always do everything ourselves, and we need help to solve problems or get answers. Even if we personally don't come up with the idea we still can influence where it came from. Knowing that we can help a project or situation out by putting our thoughts out there is a good feeling. Knowing that we helped make the end product, even if it wasn't solely our ideas, can make us feel like part of a team, and really, feeling like you belong to a group makes things a lot easier.
