Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week 14 #1

Well being able to be a Communication Major at San Jose State, I have to say that the panel for public presentation is one of my favorite. I chose the panel because it gives people a chance to argue the problem and even come up with possibilities to a solution. Generally speaking, when a controversial topic is on the board, it’s hard to have a good discussion without feelings or emotions taking a part in the situation where nobody gets a point across because people will interrupt when they feel needed. However, by keeping the format informal it makes it easier for the audience to stay in tune and interacting with the message that the speaker is trying to present. The panel must agree on basic definitions, parameters of the problem to be discussed, the questions or issues to be considered, speaker time limits, and the order of the speaker. (pg. 220) Following this further, we tend to see this in a debate format and speeches that have multiple people speaking. However, I feel this is the best way to make a public presentation because people get the opportunity to hear different views and ideas on similar topics that are presented.

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