Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weel 13 # 3

The book talks about sharing in a creative form by sharing relevant information, resources, and responsibility for a creative climate (pg. 195). This means that members of the group share ideas within one another to overcome obstacles and challenges to obtain an overall mission. For instance, when around your peers or people that are in your circle have suggestion or throughout ideas that they want to do. We tend to throughout other ideas and suggestions to help our peers complete their thoughts. However, the ideas sometime do not get complete which other group members tend to add or suggest their opinion to advance the idea to make it better. Nevertheless we share ideas to keep are brain flowing and thinking so we don’t get stumped and locked up in our box world. Therefore, it’s a positive influence when group members are giving their creative openness. Group members who are very supportive and sharing always tend to do better and overcome obstacle rather than groups that react on their own personal instincts.

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