Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Week 16 # 1
Bordia ( 1997) reviewed the ways in which communication mediated communication(CMC) groups differ from Face to Face(FTF) groups is because CMC groups generally take longer to complete task, and in the same time period CMC groups produce fewer remarks than FTF groups do (pg.297). How I view this concept is a CMC is through the internet source which small groups don’t often meet up, but rather discuss information through email or web. In doing this it makes assignments much hard and longer to do because some people may not check their email as often as others. This then can lead to confusions and other group members feeling there’s no other input because people don’t stay on top of it. On the other hand a face to face communication is small groups that often meet up in person to discuss the issues. Additionally a face to face communication makes it easier for groups because everybody can give input and shoot out ideas which can help other members of the group on their ideas. Also, being able to meet up and discuss issues makes it easier to fix the problems and make changes right then instead of having to wait for an email response which could take 2 or 3 days to get an answer. I feel that a face to face action would be considerable way to get things done, however, depending on the social norms and how a person is they may prefer to work alone and just communicate through web.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Week 16 # 3
Throughout my school year I have experience different communication classes that I learned different methods of communicating. However, each of my courses had some type of small group presentation format. One of these formats that we tend to see the most in my courses is the panel format. This discussion often follows the problem-solving. I understand that we used these concepts in our public speaking classes all the way to argument and debate classes. Nevertheless, this concept gives the audience an insight on the view of a topic from more than one member and their solution for the problem. This concept helps the presenter think and try to convince the audience that his presentation is worth listening too and accepted. In addition, this is commonly concept we see in debates that are present in front of large audiences of bias people that must be convince that your solution to the problem is better than the next idea giving. Pursing this further, we tend to use this format in such professional work. When it comes to meetings or even conventions that pertains you to speak and talk about a product that a customer should by and why. Therefore, small groups can help organize group’s discussion and facilitate a group’s interaction with a larger audience.
Week 16 #2
Hey classmates and fellow bloggers that in doing my observation outside group project I learned so much that we do in small groups that we have no idea is happening without observing it from the outside. The group I choose was the Residencies Hall Association known as the RHA that works on campus to build a community for the fellow students on campus. Their usefulness on campus is to provide programs and activities for the fellow students to get involve in their campus and meet new friends along the way. While observing this group I learned that it is built up of different diversities and cultural views. Each member was from a different cultural form but all had one objective in their heads which was to build a community for the students. On the other hand, each member of the group all had equal amount of responsibility was held accountable for, yet these members were all leaders in some way, it was clear who was in charge of the meetings and the overall program itself. I was interest in doing this project because it just helped me look at small groups in a different way. Although we may be a part of our own small groups, we tend to overlook our tendencies and actions because we cannot see what we are really doing. By observing this group I learned how norms of social groups interact and how people voice their opinions and hold back what they say based off of gender and race. This project help me conclude a lot and understand that everything we do in small groups whether its non-verbal or verbal all have actions that can be described in a simple concept. I observed the group I did because we are all part of a college society and wanting to move to the next step of adult hood, but why not network along because some of your peers can help you also through your journey. We are all different in such a way but similar because we all want to accomplish great things and succeed. This project was fun an exciting I learned new things each time.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Week 14 #1
Well being able to be a Communication Major at San Jose State, I have to say that the panel for public presentation is one of my favorite. I chose the panel because it gives people a chance to argue the problem and even come up with possibilities to a solution. Generally speaking, when a controversial topic is on the board, it’s hard to have a good discussion without feelings or emotions taking a part in the situation where nobody gets a point across because people will interrupt when they feel needed. However, by keeping the format informal it makes it easier for the audience to stay in tune and interacting with the message that the speaker is trying to present. The panel must agree on basic definitions, parameters of the problem to be discussed, the questions or issues to be considered, speaker time limits, and the order of the speaker. (pg. 220) Following this further, we tend to see this in a debate format and speeches that have multiple people speaking. However, I feel this is the best way to make a public presentation because people get the opportunity to hear different views and ideas on similar topics that are presented.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Week 14 # 2
Collaborative in the book is ideal conflict resolution strategy for any group is of win-win or consensus (pg.232). What this means to me is that everybody has equal membership to the groups decisions and nobody in the group is better than another. One example I used collaborative conflict resolution is in a group environment. Generally speaking when groups have projects every group member all have the same mentality and same mind set of getting a good grade on assignments. However, when putting ideas out we have disagreements towards them, yet this is still a part of the collaboration because it’s focusing on the main objective at hand, which is the final results. Collaboration can involve strong disagreements, but they focus on the problem-solving issues not personalities or positions (McNary, 2003) Nevertheless, we tend to use this tool in our group projects or even group activities to obtain the main goal together. However, with the competitive conflict it has a win-lose orientation. It is marked by itself, rather than mutual interest, and by an assumption of limited resources and limited possibilities for gain. (pg. 235) For example, big sports fanatics will be a part of the competitive conflict especially if they have a favorite team or player they like. Additionally, people do not have the same feeling and mentality about certain teams or players. Generally speaking, we tend to argue stats, wins-loses, and even career sometime. However, as long as the conflict doesn’t arise on a personal level then this competition is fun. Nevertheless, I have to say competitive conflict is always interesting to me and satisfying because if you try to down play my team I’ll have to tell you a little about my team and then you understand why my team is the best.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Week 14#3
This week topic that I saw interesting to me was the concept of brainstorming in creative problem solving. What makes this interesting to me is that during this process of coming up with ideas, we tend to find techniques and ways to incorporate our ideas to find solutions to our problems. Additionally, our ideas we come up with are “free wheeling”, meaning that we throughout ideas to get other members of the group brain following and bring out their creative mind. No one idea is greater than the others but it makes it easier for other members to get clear ideas in their head to come up with the solution to the problem too. Brainstorming is one of many ways to enhance creativity in the group process. (pg.205) For instance, while working in groups we tend to all set out plans and ideas to come to the overall goal. Yet, sometime groups get stuck on one idea, by being able to input ideas that can help the team, can make goals and objectives must easier because it’s more brains on one topic. Therefore, by having more than one brain on a topic gives the group more creative support to help them find the solution to their problem solving.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Week 13 # 2
Cultural barriers include a requirement for conformity, an expectation of practicality and efficiency, particular arenas for competition or cooperation, an expectation of politeness and following rules for social order, a reliance on statistical proofs, a dependence on generalizations, a trust in the power of reason and logic, a belief in an either/ or perspective on issues, and a reliance on expert knowledge. (pg 188) With that said cultural barriers are all around us especially within are ethnicity and group norms we establish. I say this because within the African American ethnicity we tend to have certain slang terminology that is fit for a particular group. Following this further, when a member that isn’t a part of the group norm tend to get overlooked or not recognize because they don’t get accepted due to their culture. Besides that, cultural barriers have played an effect on creativity because of group norms that involves negativity in doing new things. For example, when a group member suggests an idea to the group and member says that impossible or that will not work shows that they are jealous because they couldn’t come up with an idea that they group sees as an interest. Additionally, cultural barriers play an effect in how we judge an individual and there standards. When meeting a new member we have to come off as cool a polite just to get in good with the individual we trying to meet, nevertheless, we have follow their boundaries and concepts before we can express our own ideas and rules. Personally I have experience a cultural norm especially when dealing with barriers in a work force with different ethnicities in a diverse group of people. Therefore, when I suggest ideas or give my opinion I am judge based on my cultural ethnicity because my ideas maybe different or outside the box from someone of a different race. Clearly, then I feel like I was in a competition for ideas and social order because I couldn’t get my idea past without them basing my opinion of my ethnicity. Nevertheless I had to overcome this by introducing myself and presenting myself beyond my cultural boundaries and showing that my ideas are in a creative response and can handle challenges.
Weel 13 # 3
The book talks about sharing in a creative form by sharing relevant information, resources, and responsibility for a creative climate (pg. 195). This means that members of the group share ideas within one another to overcome obstacles and challenges to obtain an overall mission. For instance, when around your peers or people that are in your circle have suggestion or throughout ideas that they want to do. We tend to throughout other ideas and suggestions to help our peers complete their thoughts. However, the ideas sometime do not get complete which other group members tend to add or suggest their opinion to advance the idea to make it better. Nevertheless we share ideas to keep are brain flowing and thinking so we don’t get stumped and locked up in our box world. Therefore, it’s a positive influence when group members are giving their creative openness. Group members who are very supportive and sharing always tend to do better and overcome obstacle rather than groups that react on their own personal instincts.
Week 13 # 1
I first like to start off by saying I have a real creative mind. Creativity is going beyond the current boundaries of technology, knowledge, social norms or beliefs or seeing and acting on new relationships, thereby bringing them to life” (Anderson, 1992, p.42). Going off that we have all experience a time for which we thought of a idea that was different and outside our norms, however, not only was the idea different the group wanted to at least experience it just to see if the idea would work. For example, I had an experience when creativity became the thought on peoples mine. While chilling with my group of friends we were trying to find something to do on a Saturday night. However, we did not want to go to the club or party because we had been doing such for the past weekends. Besides that we did want to go out and do something. As I sat there I came up with an idea that we get a group of people in go cosmic bowling. Yet, although the group pondered and sort of disagreed, they soon began to agree with the idea because they all had a female they wanted to hang out with. Nevertheless, even though they disagreed on the idea at first they then envisioned the idea and realized that it was a well enough plan to do. Therefore, creativity I feel is a spark or a envision that one sees as a idea that one may had in his head to share with the other members to get approval. We tend to get caught so much in a similar routine due to our group norms that when new ideas do tend to come out we tend to negatively respond before even thinking and trying it out first. In this situation I feel that as being a member of the group norm that my idea was considered and recognized thus making my idea good in this situation.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
week 9 #3
When intense communication occurs between peers or family member’s people tend to not be able to receive feedback well. Clearly then, problems or situations do not get resolved and then people are mad at each other. Of course this could be avoided if people would actively listen to a person when they are speaking and not get caught up in the phrases but the overall solution. For example, when in a group, members tend to throughout ideas other members then critique. However, some ideas and suggestions could be taking negatively and a person can feel offended. This tends to lead to arguments and members having negative tense towards members throughout the project. Nevertheless, members should make sure they have clarity and well explain themselves to make sure other members don’t misinterpret them. For example, when I was in a group, a member throughout an idea on the project and the other member said his idea was insufficient. In other words, he was trying to say that his ideas were not all the way thought out. However, the member didn’t take as that, he thought his idea wasn’t good enough for the group so he got offensive and upset. Nevertheless, the member had to explain it better for the person to defuse the conflict. Therefore, members should make sure that their worlds have clarity to where all members of the group can understand and no confusion and conflict occurs.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Week 9 #2
Selective Attentive is choosing one message over another. (p.131) Following this forward I can think of many examples where I felt selective attention has played an effect in my life. On example that selective attention happens is when I’m watch television and someone is talking to me. Although, I was listening to my partner telling me something I just couldn’t keep what he was saying in my mind because the television episode was more interesting to me. In my sense Selective Attention states “some things are more important than others” which is the reason why I felt my partner conversation wasn’t interesting because I was tune into something else. On the other hand, one way I overcame my obstacle of selective attention was when I knew someone wanted to communicate with me I would mute the television so I won’t get caught up in what the television is saying. In doing this I realized that I could finish my conversation with complete clarity of the topic and still had time to finish my episodes on the television.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Week 9 #1
Memory: Retaining and Responding to the Message talks about to terms of memory which is “Short Term memory and Long Term memory. In hearing this makes me think of the times my parents would tell me strategies or give me suggestion that will help me in the future. However, while my parents were trying to tell me these things as a child I didn’t see them as an importance because I was doing things because I wanted to be a kid and get into some trouble. Nevertheless, although some of the knowledge I didn’t keep in my short term memory at the time, however, came in handy in the long run when a situation occurred and I remember what my parents told me while I was younger to help me out. Although, my parents did teach me concepts and reason for things, it didn’t take me until I was older to realize what they said was helpful and beneficial. I felt this was difficult because we tend to think our parents just nag us and what they say is irrelevant because we do not want to hear their suggestions, but as our parents keep saying the message and instilling it in our head we tend to thank them when it helps out in the long run. Overall I try to hear everybody suggestion and comments out just to instill different ways to handle different situations in my life.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
week 6 #2 Proxemics/ Chronemics
Proxemics identified the study of the structuring of person space- the invisible boundary individuals draw around themselves. (p.117) Proxemics tells us what is to close for interaction when communicating. When a person is communicating with an individual they know a certain distant that must be kept before people begin to think of personal space. We all heard the term “can you please get out of my personal space”; proxemics proves this law that there are boundaries when interacting with people unless they boundaries change. For example, when we are interacting with their love ones of that nature, we tend to be closer and talk within peoples space rather interacting with people we do not know we keep an equal distance so the person can hear us. However, when we are to close we tend to break our boundaries that people can feel the warmness of our breath. By then we tend to try to back off without causing problems or a scene, but when the person doesn’t pick up the hint we tend to get aggravated and will tell the person off. On the contrary, proxemics plays a role in different cultures because of their culture environment. For instance, in certain cultures people are greeted with a kiss on the cheek and due to their nature if people are not used to that we will feel that their in our personal space in will react negative if we don’t know the culture habitat. With this we can see that time difference plays a role in how the culture views other societies.
Chronemics is the study of the use of time. (p119) What this means is that different cultures have concepts and ways of thinking of time. In this situation when people talk about time it’s either about money or being on time to things. Additionally this goes with promptness; the manipulation of time is an important dynamic in small group interactions. (p.119) For example, when we are in a professional meeting we must be on time to get things that on the agenda down in a certain time period. Clearly, then we begin to discuss marketing strategies and the person who is charge of this will have more time to talk rather than person that is not on the committee. On the other hand, cultures have different ways of dealing with time for instance when a person of superior is speaking for another country he or she gets most of the time before anybody else says anything, more or less they can use all the time and nobody will be aware because they have the right. Therefore, we set ourselves with boundaries when communicating, and we base our action the given time we are acquired.
Chronemics is the study of the use of time. (p119) What this means is that different cultures have concepts and ways of thinking of time. In this situation when people talk about time it’s either about money or being on time to things. Additionally this goes with promptness; the manipulation of time is an important dynamic in small group interactions. (p.119) For example, when we are in a professional meeting we must be on time to get things that on the agenda down in a certain time period. Clearly, then we begin to discuss marketing strategies and the person who is charge of this will have more time to talk rather than person that is not on the committee. On the other hand, cultures have different ways of dealing with time for instance when a person of superior is speaking for another country he or she gets most of the time before anybody else says anything, more or less they can use all the time and nobody will be aware because they have the right. Therefore, we set ourselves with boundaries when communicating, and we base our action the given time we are acquired.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Week 6 # 1
Nonverbal communication forms the context in which we discuss them. (p.113) Meaning that our actions speak louder than our words. Additionally, we tend to speak on something, but if we do not act upon our promise then we said nothing. The second nonverbal communication states “when what we do and what we say are inconsistent, nonverbal communication is more likely to be believed” (p.114). What this applies to is our actions that we verbal state are not really worth anything unless we follow up with the nonverbal actions. For example, in a group activity when a person is assign to do work in the group and they agree to it, however, when it’s time for the results they have nothing to read. Thus this leaves a bad thought in your group members mind because you’re not responsible to handle due dates or task. Our actions speak louder than our words and we must make sure we hold ourselves accountable for our actions. Nevertheless, in groups we tend to have favorite people we talk to or even work with within the group team.
The first principle of the nonverbal communication states “the quality of the relationships among group members is established and perpetuated through nonverbal behavior” (p.114) Mean that people tend to work with or even talk to the group members they’re friends with and work less to the people they don’t know or don’t like. For example, in one of my communication classes I was working a group project that I only talked to one member of my group, not because it was my choice but the other group members had locked me and the other person out because they felt they didn’t need any assistance. Nevertheless, we ended up losing points because she didn’t include us in the presentation and we feel short because we didn’t know the information she wanted us to present.
Nonverbal communication says a lot about a person; so the next time a person gives a dirty look just look at them and show them the “YOU DON’T CARE LOOK”.
The first principle of the nonverbal communication states “the quality of the relationships among group members is established and perpetuated through nonverbal behavior” (p.114) Mean that people tend to work with or even talk to the group members they’re friends with and work less to the people they don’t know or don’t like. For example, in one of my communication classes I was working a group project that I only talked to one member of my group, not because it was my choice but the other group members had locked me and the other person out because they felt they didn’t need any assistance. Nevertheless, we ended up losing points because she didn’t include us in the presentation and we feel short because we didn’t know the information she wanted us to present.
Nonverbal communication says a lot about a person; so the next time a person gives a dirty look just look at them and show them the “YOU DON’T CARE LOOK”.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Week 6 #3 Powerless Stereotypes
In today’s society, generally speaking people base their actions and natures due to their gender roles. Males tend to feel they are dominate of the species, however women feel they are dominate and each gender play different action roles. Following this forward, men tend to act different in situation than women due. For example, males tend to ignore conflict that isn’t of physical nature. On the other hand, women will tend to react and speak off of the nonverbal communication. “Numerous studies have shown that women throughout the world are more accurate, sensitive receivers of nonverbal communication than men (Anderson, 1999, p. 122).Sex-role stereotyping continues in many groups and organizations, fostering expectations that men will act like leaders and women will act like subordinates (Remland,2000). What we mean by this is typically in a leadership position people tend to feel a man should be a leader because they are bigger and stronger, however, that’s not always the case because women now today are more intelligent and just as smart and strong as a typical man. Studies incdicate that women are more effective than men as managers and leaders in the areas of motivating others, fostering communication, producing high-quality work, and listening to others (Sharpe, 2000) Nevertheless, we can conclude that women can have the same opportunity as men and are capable of holding a leadership positions. These stereotypes have played a role in society for years, by what jobs women and men feel they can apply for. Whether in a group people tend to work with people that have the similar views to us. Homophily, which is our tendency to want to be in groups with people who are similar to us, however, can deny us important viewpoints from multicultural world (p. 121). Instead we need to create group situation conducive to being inclusive in order to enhance the group process and limited the powerless of stereotypes.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Week 4 #2 "white men of privilege
Before I get into the concept “white men of privilege”, chapter 5 explains the hierarchies of power is the process that we have come to take for granted, sometime without being unaware of the way in which we situate ourselves along the continuum. What this explains is that sometime we categorize ourselves in a hierarchy without us even knowing we are doing this. For example, when a person describes himself as a wealthy person who has money he is putting himself in that category of a person that has more money than most. In this situation of the white men of privilege society categorizes white men of power. We ride the assumption of social, economic, and political power in this country has long resided with upper-class and upper-middle-class white European makes of wealth and privilege. (pg.96)
I would have to disagree with this concept because I feel that this all started back when slavery was going on and white men was privilege because they had all the land and slaves. However, time has changed to where other cultures and diversity run things and are privilege to be where they are. Society has stereotyped that white men have wealth and extra privileges, although some places that give different cultures more privilege than others, I feel that now everybody is privilege with some kind of economic wealth. Power is a shared responsibility; we each participate in its use and abuse. (pg 97) Meaning everybody can be on a level as the privilege white person, it all depends on how they tend to use their power. Wyatt explained “the responsibility of each of us as members of groups, and society in general, to play our part in assuring that all voices, including our own, are heard and fully considered”. (pg 97)
I would have to disagree with this concept because I feel that this all started back when slavery was going on and white men was privilege because they had all the land and slaves. However, time has changed to where other cultures and diversity run things and are privilege to be where they are. Society has stereotyped that white men have wealth and extra privileges, although some places that give different cultures more privilege than others, I feel that now everybody is privilege with some kind of economic wealth. Power is a shared responsibility; we each participate in its use and abuse. (pg 97) Meaning everybody can be on a level as the privilege white person, it all depends on how they tend to use their power. Wyatt explained “the responsibility of each of us as members of groups, and society in general, to play our part in assuring that all voices, including our own, are heard and fully considered”. (pg 97)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
week 4 #1 Stereotypes
In chapter 5 we talk about stereotypes. Stereotyping is a form of categorization which is a part of the human conditions. (pg.89)To discuss this society is field with different diversity and cultural groups which are bound with characteristics that makes each group different from one another. For example, I have been a part of a stereotype group. While being a part of the SJSU bowling team we have little routings and chants we do for our teammates depending on whether they strike or pick up spares. Following this further so while at a bowling tournament we are excited because we are bowling good and our chants are higher than ever. However, another team at the other end of the bowling center all of sudden mocks our chant real loud. No doubt we heard it and were highly offended because this other team tried to be funny and mock our chants. Nevertheless we did not let the competition bother us because we were too focused on our own team. Even though at the end of the tournament we all went out to dinner, while sitting at the tables chatting we still didn’t have that sort of comfortable feeling because of the different cultures of the group. Research has shown that when we get to know members of groups other than our own, we tend to see them as individuals, rather than as members of the group which they are assigned by our stereotyping (hall, 2002 Chpt 5) Generally speaking because these other bowling members was not a part of our team we felt they was a part of our chemistry. In conclusion when small groups has certain rituals within their groups that they feel is importance to them that you already know is being mock, it tends to be disrespectful and rude to the person its offending.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Week 4 #3 Pressures for conformity
We see that in small groups that when a group has some type of knowledge in the subject, the ideas tend to get miss communicated or not taking in considerations. The pressure of conformity has small groups tied up in conflict that sends hostility towards other group members. For example, if a group were all knowledgeable of making a volcano, ones idea may be different from others on how they want to construct the volcano. In doing this group members tend to put assumptions on ideas saying their ideas are not good enough or their irrelevant to the project at hand. Nevertheless, making it harder to contribute and put forth effort because the ideas that is on the table the group is unfamiliar with. Additionally “individuals who share the same cultural norms and expectations, different experiences may cause one or another to approach a given take from a different perspective than that of the apparent majority of group members”. (Chpt. 5 pg97) By saying this group members who have encounter the same problem have all solved it differently, thus making it hard to contribute opinions with groups. We need to set guidelines in between groups that can give us the best result on overcoming obstacles, one such can be finding which person ideas gives us the best possible results, with the easiest steps for group members. Nevertheless, groups that have such high conformity levels should find ways to come up with alternative routes to where everybody ideas can be express and talked about before cutting out possible ideas that can help the project excel.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Week #3 Cohesiveness
Cohesiveness “is the extent to which members are loyal and committed to the group” (Griffin, 2005, pg.629) creating a “force that binds group members together” (keyton&springston, 1990, p.234). This is very important in small groups because without cohesiveness it makes projects harder to get done. While working in a group project there is a lot of interaction and importance that each member has to accomplish to get the project complete. However, if one member of the group doesn’t want to fulfill his duties it makes everybody else in the group job that much harder. Yet, when everybody wants to put their input in and get the job done it makes the project flow so much smoother. Cohesiveness describes a set of influences and reasons that keep members in a group and keep them motivated and willing to contribute extra time and effort to help the group complete its job (Witteman 1991). Therefore, Groups that have positive group experiences their attitudes are more in a positive direction working with a person than a person who had a negative experience. We see cohesiveness plays a factor in groups on how group norms change when a person is putting in effort and when there not putting effort in.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Week 3 #2
Generally speaking depending on the group, the functions tend to change on the rules each group has. Norms are expectations regarding behavior patterns for the group as a whole; the particular way we live, as individual, are expected to act in a group is our role. (pg.49) This tells us that each member of the group has some type of responsibility that brings the group together. For example, one person in the group could be funny, the other cocky and so forth… Regardless of presence, each member brings a characteristic to the group that makes them unique. Hare (1994) states that a role is associated with the position and status of a member in a group and implies the rights and duties of the member toward one or more other group members. (pg.49) In general, group members work to foster the favorable impressions of themselves to obtain relations with other group members. For example, when I am around my friends I am always goofy and funny because that’s the type of characteristic I bring to the group. My role in the group doesn’t change or get look at different unless the demeanor of the attitude changes. Yet, I haven’t experience a violation of the norms because I react after the first warnings I receive. For instance, if I am late to class the teacher will discuss how I shouldn’t be late to class because I’m missing out on class participation. This then gives me the hint that I should not be tardy anymore to class or suffer the consequences. Overall, norms function different between the cultural environment they are adapted to or knowledgeable about. Each member brings different characteristics to the table, which makes their role different in the group’s eyes.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Week 3 #1
No doubt there are group norms at SJSU. Group norms “define the nature of the group and the relationships among the group members by expressing the collective values of the membership and by identifying the place of the group members within that value system”. (chpt. 3 pg. 46) For example, at SJSU there are jobs on campus that all have different responsibilities and duties. One job like the book store which sells books for the students does not have the same responsibilities as the person who works for Jamba juice. Within these groups they establish norms that establish the accepted rules of behavior. (pg 46)Furthermore once these norms are established each person has assigned task that must be completed and done. On the other hand when people are around friends their responsibilities and actions change. They adapt to the cultural environment around them. Names are “ the set of assumptions or expectations by members of a group or organizations concerning what kind of behavior is right or wrong, good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate, allowed or not.”(pg47)We can determine with this that while in a work environment we have to make sure we are on time, in dress code, and ready to work. In the book they define this as the explicit norm. Yet around friends we are more relaxed and laid back. In this case, we can identify this more as the implicit norm. Therefore, we can adapt based on the guidelines that each norm poses.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
#3 Pick one concept from the reading (Sensitivity to Inital Condition)
People always tell me that first impressions last a lifetime. We can relate to this because if we meet a person and his character shows negative ways we will always have that lasting effect on his bad characteristics. This also goes if the person first impression is a good one. However, people tendencies are not always viewed in the opening; they can also be viewed on a constant actions or repetition. If a person is late all the time to a class discussion, the teacher will get the impression that this person has attendance problems, as oppose to a person that is always on time to a discussion, but miss’s class back to back. This will be less to go notice before a person who always distracts the class with tardiness. Furth more, also describes in chapter 2
” One is that first impressions are important. A second is that the same behavior may be perceived differently, depending on the context and the group’s perceptions of the person doing the behaving. Although all of the consequences of the impressions may not become apparent for some time, even in “zero history” or newly formed groups, reputations, appearance, and personal style often precede us and provide information that may influence the group process in some unexpected way.”(pg36)
First impression last forever people never want to leave a negative thought on a person mind because whether you believe or not if you do not see that person for awhile and reunite they will always still have that first impression on how they meet you.
” One is that first impressions are important. A second is that the same behavior may be perceived differently, depending on the context and the group’s perceptions of the person doing the behaving. Although all of the consequences of the impressions may not become apparent for some time, even in “zero history” or newly formed groups, reputations, appearance, and personal style often precede us and provide information that may influence the group process in some unexpected way.”(pg36)
First impression last forever people never want to leave a negative thought on a person mind because whether you believe or not if you do not see that person for awhile and reunite they will always still have that first impression on how they meet you.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
#2 Explain how entropy and euifinality impact small groups
At times giving to many ideas in a project leads to confusion and possibly getting nothing done. On the other hand groups tend to talk over one another which can lead to confusion and nothing being accomplished. Entropy as explained in chapter 2 tends toward disorganization, stagnation, and chaos. This can be true because small groups tend to overwhelm each other with ideas that can trigger group members to think of new or better ideas where nothing gets written down and accomplished. Another trigger that can cause entropy is when group members feel their ideas or input is the best choice for the project without hearing out other ideas. We tend as group members see this and react as we shouldn't put our inputs in the project. However, also discussed in chapter 2 is Equifinality which explains that there are different routes that people can take to still lead to same common goal. Groups can coordinate a structure to help deviate responsibilities to other team member to get certain fields done at a deadline. Once the group member get his/her part done, then the other team members can give input to help improve the paper. Another example is to ask questions to the group members to see what a group member is comfortable taking on what task on the assignment and then assign him that task to get done. In doing this everybody can do a part in the paper that they feel comfortable doing and have it done in a sufficient way.Lastly, when families have disagreements in the house on who does chores or who is watching t.v, to eliminate all problems they create solutions by alternating duties and days when a person watching t.v. In doing this we can conclude that it will more of a positive result than a negative outcome.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
#1 Groups living systems based on interdependence and interrelationships.
Our first thought when we are ask to do a group assignment is "I don't want to be the one doing all the work in the group". In this situation we tend to find people that we have previous experience in group assignments or feel most comfortable being around.Based on my experience i learned that when everybody as a whole is producing equal amount of work it makes the project easier to get finished. However, when one group member is relying on the other to get the assignment done, it tends to not work out to well. What i realized is when their is not a bond of a whole where everybody is on the same page, projects turn out bad. Small groups that do not function well produce negative energy which can cause half of the group production or even bad thoughts. If the chemistry is off on a small group it will lose its interdependence and can cause insufficient work.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
First day jitters....

Whats up web blogger's and classmates let me first off by saying this is not your average friendly ghost. You may wonder man how come, but let me say this ghost is fly, has ambition, goals and most of the girls lol just kidding. I'm real cool you guys and like to be funny, so if my blogs make you laugh drop the lol smiley faces on my blog. On the other hand to be serious this will be my fourth semester at San Jose State I am a Communication major with a minor in Radio TV and Film. I plan on graduating in the spring of 11 at this university. I love to talk and meet new people, also I feel I'm a better presenter than a writer, so I thought communication be a good major for me.Besides that communication became a major I thought was just easy but then it became more interesting when I realized I could concentrate on a particular field in the studies. I am such a peoples person that I like to meet different people and get to know them. I always pondered on different cultures and the way they communicated such as language the way the talk and the pace on how fast on culture speaks than another. I hope to get out this class how small groups of different cultures will interact in a environment as on the net than when if we interact in person. I'm so excited!!!I currently am apart of a fraternity called IOTA PHI THETA and also bowl for the SJSU Bowling Team. I just want to say have fun, this is my first semester with a online class so I'm new to the blogging, but I pick on things fast and treat this like my very on social network. Lastly, to leave you with a thought I always wondered. On them muscle magazines when you see them ripped crazy buff people. I always wondered why would u every want to be that buff cause when your like 65 all that muscle just starts to become saggy?
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